Providing breast cancer support for more than four decades.
Breast Cancer Support Aotearoa has been helping people diagnosed with breast cancer since the 1980s.
Medical professionals now regard peer support as an integral part of recovery from cancer.
We are the only national organisation in New Zealand with a peer support focus for those diagnosed with breast cancer and are recognised by medical providers of breast cancer services as a reputable source of structured peer support.
We have built collaborative networks with a multitude of organisations so we can always find appropriate support for you, no matter where you live in Aotearoa.
Empowering you to make well-informed decisions
Because we’ve been where you are, we know that sometimes you just need support from someone who’s experienced breast cancer too.
We provide appropriate peer-based support for people of all ethnicities, through our network of Māori, Pasifika, Asian, and NZ European volunteers throughout New Zealand.
Our aim is to empower and enable those with breast cancer to make well-informed decisions about their treatment, care, and recovery.
The support we offer is non-medical, practical (tips and tools), and has a focus on the emotional wellbeing of a person, with the four pillars of Te Whare Tapa Whā guiding our approach.
We support those with breast cancer and their whānau to be as strong and well as possible in all four of these areas as they navigate their breast cancer journey.
Our Team
Along with our team of dedicated volunteers, Breast Cancer Support Aotearoa (BCSA) funds a National Service Coordinator role. We also have the strategic guidance of a committee to oversee the management and governance of the organisation.
If you would like to volunteer for us, please get in touch
Liz Pennington
Liz lives in the Bay of Plenty with her husband and grand daughter and is in private practice working in the wellbeing consulting space.
Liz had breast cancer in 2021, picked up during a routine mammogram. She had surgery and radiotherapy in Wellington where she was living at the time.
She is a registered nurse and has had a lifelong interest in both women's health and mental health, serving on committees and in CE roles at Rural Women NZ and Vitae and Anglican social services.
Liz serves on the Board of Cure Our Ovarian Cancer, her local school Board of Trustees, and on the committee of CIMA (Crisis Intervention and Management Australasia) where she can make a contribution to community wellbeing.
Barbara McLean
"I was put in touch with the Breast Cancer Support team 21 years ago, following my breast cancer surgery.
"The help, friendship and confidence BCS gave me made such a difference to my experience, from post-surgery to finishing chemotherapy, and dealing with a life that would never be quite the same again.
There is no doubt the support I received from BCSA aided my recovery and I want others travelling a similar road to receive that support too."

Karen Hayes
Karen is an experienced administrator and her administrative skills have taken her around the world. She has used her skillsets in a variety of ways: helping scientists find research funding, building a national traffic control centre in the UK, and pulling tenders together for an Australian FM company concentrated on defence bases. She has also held office manager roles, including front line, both in person and on the phone. Currently Karen's skills are pulling together tenders for a tier one construction company.
She is an outdoors person at heart and this has led Karen to involvement in clay target shooting. She is the secretary of one of the country's larger clubs.
Karen lives in the Hutt Valley with her dog Max and has joined BCSA to use her skills for good and to help make a difference. “There is some amazing mahi being done here for people experiencing a frightening moment in their lives. If I can help the team in even a little way, that will be a job well done.”
Jane Finlayson
"Coordinating our Christchurch Breast Cancer Support and offering support and a listening ear to people at such a scary and unknown time, gives me such an immense sense of satisfaction.
"Being a survivor of breast cancer myself, I think it is so important that newly diagnosed people see that although this is a stressful and overwhelming situation to be in, you can have a positive outcome and it will get better. Our group is full of these women. We share experiences, support and understanding of the uncertainty a diagnosis can bring. We enjoy much needed laughter and celebrate each milestone along the way.
"I’m so proud to have met so many inspiring women and admire and respect the strength each of them brings to others in our group."

Angela McLeod
Angela is an experienced change maker, community leader and owner of a successful motorcycle retail and repair business.
Amongst other things, she has been the media spokesperson for the Pay Equity Challenge Coalition, was a key spokesperson for the Coalition for Quality Flexible Work Legislation and Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL), and a strong lobbyist on such things as rural connectivity, reducing the rates of violence against women and empowering women through removing barriers they encounter in everyday life.
She has worked in policy, communications, governance, leadership and advisory roles internationally, nationally and locally. Angela lives on a lifestyle block near Upper Hutt with husband Mac and they share it with family, friends and various woofers and workawayers from time to time.

Rebecca Pohe
Rebecca is a qualified mediator with a specialty in family dispute resolution. She has 30 years of experience working with diverse family/whānau and community groups, including 13 years in the UK focusing on child protection. She is a trainer/facilitator in the primary handling and early detection of maltreatment and abuse within the child protection setting.
Rebecca has also undertaken training in the New Zealand Coordinated Incident Management System managing emergency situations, and is a trained responder in Crisis Intervention Stress Management: group defuse and debriefing specialist, crisis intervention, stress and trauma.
As a Draw and Talk specialist - and with her current mahi working in the mental health and addiction space - Rebecca has a real passion for the well-being and connectedness of people.
In her spare time, Rebecca likes reading online to her six-year-old moko who is based in the UK. She loves spending time with her family, being outdoors in nature, watching rugby, and enjoys a good book.

Sally Hutchinson
"My name is Sally. I am 49 years old and describe myself as bubbly, positive, warm and empathetic. I love music, my dog, cats and my partner. I live on ten acres surrounded by nature. I have a little bach on the west coast and I am in my happiness when I’m swimming in the lake on a lovely summer day looking at the mountains around me.
"I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in November of 2020 at the age of 45 from a routine mammogram. My world did a complete 360 turn when I was diagnosed however, I found an inner strength in me that I never knew I had. I have come out the other side and am loving life.
"My passion is to help others. I love to listen. I’m kind, caring and non-judgmental."
How you can help us:
Your donation means we can give even more support to those who need it, at the time when they need it most.
We love to hear from women and men who would like to use their breast cancer experience to support others.